利用YouTube shorts 进行affiliate marketing 联盟营销或者 推广CPA offer 可以成为网上赚钱的好方法。首先,你必须创造对你的观众来说有趣和有吸引力的内容。然后,你需要研究与你视频主题相关的联盟计划和/或CPA offer。一旦你找到了合适的offer,你可以在视频的描述框插入产品或者Offer的链接来推广它,但观众通过这个链接购买了产品或者完成了一定的行为,比如注册,提交资料等,你就能获得丰厚的佣金。

在本指南中,我将向你展示一种秘密方法,它可以让批量的youtube shorts为你带来收入。不需要你花费大量的时间,金钱去测试,我已经帮你测试过了。

本教程教你如何打造一个自动化的脚本,自动抓取网络上的素材生成youtube 短视频,并且如何批量上传,并且为你源源不断的带来收入。



In this guide I’ll show you the secret method that will allow you to monetize hundreds of YT shorts with zero efforts.

Included in this guide there are the results of over $1000 worth in tests, if you work with CPA I’m sure you know how easily you can waste money on different panels, softwares, proxies, youtube account.

You have two choises: you can run the same tests to discover the secret formula of YT Shorts , or you can follow the guide of someone who has been through it.

I’m here to teach all my errors and save hundreds of $$$.

This guide is for you if:

✅ You like passive and semi-passive income

✅ You like to cheat the algorithms to make money

✅ You like to test new ways to make money

Let’s go deep, this is what you’ll learn:

⏩ How to create 100+ YT Shorts in minutes

⏩ How to monetize them with CPA and other methods

⏩ How to avoid penalizations

⏩ How to save money in the entire process

I don’t want to urge you, but this is the perfect moment to use this method: youtube is extremely promoting YT shorts in everybody’s feed, now you can get the most of the value from this guide.

I included Two bonus guide, worth over $100:

⭐1) BONUS⭐: How to grow a YT account with the shorts, and then sell it. You can start selling even in this forum YT accounts with 5000+ subscribers.

⭐2) BONUS⭐: How to create accounts in bulks on youtube from scratch.

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