非常完整的 POP-traffic 终极指南,全文将近5万字,从流量特性,流量类型(Traffic types)、流量的优缺点、Tiers分析(国家地区划分)、盈利流程、Offers、Verticals(包括Installs、Pin-Submits、Sweepstakes、Dating都有超详细分析)、Affilate Networks(联盟网络及特点)、各种Verticals的Landings讲解、提交转换率的代码(Alert、BackFix、ExitPop、Vibration、Timer、Display user’s data)、landingpage制作、硬件配置(server、domain、cdn)、 trackers、流量源(Source)推荐及大起底。总之,如果你要做pop traffic,本指南,绝对让你豁然开朗。


As you can know, all internet marketing is builded on the convertation traffic to leads. Under the traffic we mean the flow of visitors to our website.

Example: You’re reading an article on any website and seeing a banner. Then you click on this banner and move to the advertiser’s landing page (site). In this case the site, where you read the article gets paid for what he puts an advertisement. An advertiser pays for his ads are showed and people click on these banners. You, when you click the advertisement, are traffic. I know it can sounds strange for profi, but I try to tell as much as easy.

So traffic is people who come to our website (to our landing pages).

And we will “buy” these people, i.e. we will pay for each person who visit our site and see our advertisement. We will pay a traffic source which connect publishers (people who have their own sites) and advertisers (people who need traffic for their sites – so it’s we!).

Under Lead I mean fulfillment of the necessary action on the offer’s site. For example: Signing Up, Install, purchase of goods.

So you can and you will buy the traffic from different sources, you can also get a free traffic from some sources (like social spam etc), but I won’t tell about that.

Traffic can very differ from source to source. From how much quality traffic you buy, your profit will depend directly. And please don’t think that each source have similar traffic quality. That is not a true. You need to choose good sources for a good profit (but I will tell you which sources you can use). Because there are a lot of sources with bot-traffic or low-quality traffic. And you need to be careful in choosing sources.

Traffic types

There a lot of different traffic types on the internet and therefore people use different ad types.

Among the main types of traffic can be identified: POP-traffic, Banners, Native, Social, Search, In-App. But we will consider only the POP, because that is a theme of my guide.

Pop-traffic – one of the most annoying types of traffic. Its action is based on the pop-up tabs when you click on a specific location on the publisher’s site. I think everyone faced with this type of traffic. For example, when you visit a porn tube, click on any place on the site (in the menu, link, etc.), and in a new tab your browser open a second page on a different domain, which has no relation to the original site.

You can watch an example on this video: https://static.reporo.com/video/pop-under.mp4?v=11.10.3

Pop Under ads open a new browser window hidden under the active window. They do not interrupt the user immediately and are not seen until the covering window is closed.

Pop traffic is divided into 2 types:

1) PopUp (from the word “up”) – our site opens over the original site. That is, the focus moves to the advertising site (the person sees an ad site, and the original site is still on the other tab which is not open).

2) PopUnder (from the word “under”) – our site opens behind the original site. The focus is still on the original site (the person sees on the screen the original site, but there are a new tab with an advertising site, but this tub is not active).

Of course, PopUp traffic works better than PopUnder since people can immediately see the advertising site, and in the case of PopUnder they will need to open the second tab, but some people may not find it.

There are a special type of traffic. It calls redirect-traffic. Its principle is based on Pop traffic, but in this case, when you click on a specific location on the site, you will be automatically redirected to the advertiser’s site. That is, there is a complete replacement of the original site. Usually this method is used doorway pages and other low-quality sites, because good sites are not ready to give all their traffic to advertisers. That is, in this case, people do not see the publisher’s page. They see an advertisement instead of original site’s page.

Among the main characteristics of the POP traffic I can identify:

– Disinterest. Since advertising site opens without the user’s wish, as people do not consciously clicks on a banner, text ad, this traffic can be considered disinterested. That is, people saw the advertisement of the product / service that they didn’t look yet.

Example: A man came to the porn-tube to watch videos, clicked on the menu on the “Categories” section, and in a new tab (over, behind or instead of the original site

– depending on PopUp, popUnder or Redirect is that) he has a new opened tab with our site, as we are the advertisers. Quite a number of people, seeing such advertising first of all think: “What is that?” “Why I see this page?”, Then the part of people will close the advertising site, another part read information with a large grain of salt, and the third part will read the site and make the necessary action ( registration / purchase of goods etc…).

– Low-conversion rate. Based on the 1st point (Disinterest) only a small amount of people will make a lead. So we receive a lot of traffic, but a small % of people will do an action. So our conversion rate (CR), EPV (earn per visit) and EPC (earn per click) won’t be so big. But do not underestimate Pop traffic. It has its advantages, which make it possible to work with this kind of traffic quite comfortable.

– You can buy a pop-traffic from any country. All counties have this type of traffic and you can work with any country which you want.

– A big amount of traffic. You can buy a lot of visitors. Really a lot! So if you’re buying 1 000 000 visits per day – that’s not so much! As we don’t have banners, text ads etc, and all people will see our ad, we’ll receive a lot of traffic.

– Cheapness. You can buy 1000 visits (1000 people who will see your site) for only 0.5-2$. But don’t think that that is a Goldmine, remember 1 and 2 point.

– Easy to run. For pop-traffic you don’t need banners, images, texts etc. You need only a link! So your main weapon is a Landing Page.


Working in the Affiliate Marketing involves working with many countries, including the most exotic. We can easy make a campaign for Nigeria or Thailand. But let’s define with tiers or country rating. I want to say that there’re a lot of different meanings of which countries are included in tiers. I will tell you only my opinion and managers’ who I spoke.

Assignment of each individual country a certain level is an assessment of factors such as:

– The country is developed or developing
– Average earnings in the country
– GDP level
– Location
– A quality of life in the country

In total there are 3 groups of countries or 3 tiers:

Tier # 1:

This includes the richest and most developed countries of the world. This is the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, as well as the richest and most influential countries in Europe: Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Spain, Italy, France etc…

Tier # 2:

This group includes all the other European countries, rich and developed asian countries (Singapore, China, Vietnam, Taiwan …), Africa (the United Arab Emirates, South Africa …) and Latin America (Argentina, …).

Tier # 3:

Here are all the other countries: Honduras, Laos, etc …).

As you might guess, the higher the tier the:
– Traffic is expensive
– More Competition
– Payments are higher
– Rules are stricter

Generally speaking, don’t be afraid of “cool” countries, because you can find very good offers with a good ROI. On the other hand, I recommend to start with 2-3 tiers, because your test will be cheaper.

Traffic cycle in nature

The scheme of traffic movements can be represented like this, as shown in the picture below.

As you can see there’re some elements:

– Publisher’s site – it’s a site which will give as a traffic. The owner of the website places a JS code, which he gets from the traffic source. And after that he will earn money from his site. A traffic source will pay him money for each person who this site sends to the advertisers. So if we have traffic from this site, this site earns and we spend money.
– Traffic source – that’s an advertising network which connect publishers and advertisers. And this company will take a % of publisher’s earnings.
– Tracker – it’s a system which helps us to separate and analyse our traffic.
– Landing Page – it’s a page on our domain which people will see. So it’s our main weapon.
– Affilate Network – you can already know it’s a place where we will send our traffid and make money.
– Offer’s site – it’s a page where people will do an action. And after an action on this page we will get money from AN.

Next we will consider all of these elements.


Offer – it’s a company, which signed a contract with Affiliate Network (AN), which need customers and which are ready to pay for each lead on their site a certain amount of money. Offers can use these models: CPA (Cost Per Action), CPI (Cost Per Install), CPL (Cost Per Lead), CPS (Cost Per Sale) and other…

Example: There are a company – dating site, which need users on their site. And this company is ready to pay you for each person who signing up, using your uncial link (this link you will get in your AN). The company is ready to pay $3 for each registration, and if you get the link in AN, promote this link, and someone signs up on this site, you will receive 2-2.5$ (because an AN takes a %).

What is the benefit of this company? They receives a lot of new users on their site. And they will monitize them inside the company. These users will buy pro-accounts, different goods on the site. So the company will get much more money then they pay us.

Each offer is characterized by:

– Name
– Vertical
– Payout
– Link
– Target action (what people need to make a lead)
– Country which offer accept
– Rules
– Allowed types of traffic


Below we’ll look at the main verticals, which you can use with a POP-traffic.

Vertical – offer’s category. All offers are divided into categories, which calls verticals. Each vertical has its own features pros and cons. There are more verticals than I wrote, but these are the best for POP-traffic and for newbies.


Installs – vertical which presents offers which pays for Android and iOS apps installs.

It is possible to distinguish two kinds of installs:
– Download and install from the official market (Google Play ot AppStore)
– Direct download and install an APK file (for Android only).

It is worth noting that the first direction takes 90% of the total market of installs as a direct download APK usually promotes not good things like porn tubes, apps, which can steal your data etc…

What are the apps which we’ll promote?

There a lot of different kinds of installs, but I’ll tell you about main kinds.

– Antiviruses – these offers strongly dominate on the install’s vertical. Why? Because these offers have a very broad target audience, and you can send almost any traffic on these offers (except prohibited types). It can be a man who’s watching a porn video, woman who’s searching news or a child who’s playing online games. All of them we can monetise with installs. All of them – our potential audience. Why? Because all people want their phones to be fast, their data to be secured. And therefore many people can install a free antivirus which helps them to improve their system. That’s not too complicated.

– Antivisiruses usually have not very high payouts, we can get 0.10-1.00$ for one lead. But they also have a good CR (Conversion rate), and the target is so simple – just installs an Application. When user downloads, installs and opens an App – one lead is done! We’ll receive money for this conversion.
I think a lot of people heard or used this app – 360 Security. This is one of the most popular apps in the word. I worked with this offer a lot, and only with them I earned xxx xxx$

– Utilities – these are offers like AVs (AntiViruses), but when we promote them we do an accent not on the viruses, we do it on the battery (make your battery power more, improve your OS, make your phone faster). These offers also accept many GEOs, it can be Global apps (which accept traffic from ALL countries).

– Entertainment apps – online cinemas, magic filters for photos – so apps for the entertainment.

– Dating apps – many dating websites have their own apps for Android and iOS, and we can work with these offers.

– Games – it’s a big kind of installs. And I think that pops is not a good type of traffic for games. But some people have a good success with pops.

– Opions, Forex – apps for making money.

Let’s look at the typical offer from install’s vertical. It’s a popular app and offer – SuperB Cleaner (the screenshot from the offer’s page in Adsimilis).

What can we see?

Very often these kind of apps use words “cleanser”, “security”, “booster” in the offer’s names. It’s an app which can clean the system from viruses, make an Android feel better.

What is the benefit of these companies, which create these offers? The sell pro versions of the apps, publish advertisment inside the apps.

The payout is $0.48, but be careful, this payout is only for JP and US (read the offer’s description), other countries have another payouts, but don’t think that the higher payout, the better for you. That’s not a true. You can get a good ROI (200+) with low payouts, like $0.15.
You need to consider:

– tier
– traffic cost
– traffic amount
– competition

So you can get more money with offer with payout = $0.1, than with $0.8

What you should know about this vertical:

– It’s one of the most easy verticals
– It’s one of the most popular verticals
– It’s one of the most competitive verticals (read 1&2)
– The best way – to start with AVs or Utilities.
– Don’t be afraid of low payouts
– There are cases when some GEOs don’t have any offers. Only installs.
– There are a parameter – KPI. It means a % of people who use the app on the 2nd (or another day – depends on the offer’s rules). And if you have a lot of installs, but only a small % of people use the app on the next day (for example you have 1000 installs, but only 10 of people open the app on the 2nd day), the offer can ask you to stop sending traffic or he can not pay you.
– There are a lot of Android apps, but you can find sth interesting for iOS too.
– Vertical is declining. The time when you can have 100%+ ROI without any optimisation is over. There are little good new offers now, and many people who worked with installs before are now working with other verticals. I stopped to work with installs in this summer.


Pin-Submits – vertical which contains mobile content offers. Offers which offer different mobile content by mobile subscription.

A person visit a landing – make a subscription (but 90% of people do not realize that it’s not free), and after this subscription he’ll pay a certain amount of money (like $1 per day).

The periodic write-off of money from the account of the subscriber is called – rebill.

But we will get in 99% cases only money for lead. So other money which people will pay to the offer automatically we won’t get. But it’s ok. We receive fixed payout and we can immediately assess the profitability of our campaigns.

The main kinds of PINs:

– Antiviruses – Yes, AVs again. Why AVs is so popular? Because we can monetize any traffic with them! So Unlike installs the target is subscription. People don’t need to download and install an App for successful lead. After subscription they will get an App.

– Utilities – like AVs, but we do an accent on the battery power etc…

– Download Content – this is a very interesting kind of Pins. So what they give to the user? Honestly, nothing. Just access to the file catalog where people can download some games, apps, music etc… How affiliates are promoting these offers? As for me I run them with AV angle. So I use Landing Pages for AV offers and also I run Download offers, because people want to DOWNLOAD the AV. But read offer’s rules. Some offers have prohibited traffic types.

– WhatsApp – these offers promote different skins, backgrounds, smiles for WhatsApp. And you may think “How many people interested in that?” Answer: 0.001%. 90% of people run these offers like “WhatsApp update” and aggressive landers, but we’ll talk about it soon.

– Dating – people get access to the dating site after subscription.

– SweepsTakes – it’s a big vertical. We’ll talk about it next.

– Adult – it’s usually 1click flow offers which promote adult videos (porn videos).

The following subscription mechanisms:

– MT Flow:
– User sees a field for entering a phone number
– User writes his phone number and press the button
– User receives the SMS code
– User writes this code on the site

– MO flow:
– User sees a field for entering a phone number
– User writes his phone number and press the button
– User receives the SMS and he need to reply on it
– User sends the SMS

– 1/2/3-click flow (Works only for Carrier traffic):
– User sees the button
– User press the button (1, 2 or 3 times)

– Click2SMS flow (works only with Android):
– User sees the button
– User clicks the button
– User have prefilling SMS (the text is typed already)
– User sends the SMS

What you should know about this vertical:

– This is one of the most simple verticals for start.
– A lot of offers and GEOs there
– You need to run inly Carrier’s traffic to the 1click offers, but for other flows you can run WiFi too
– There are offers which separate traffic by themselves. And Carrier users can see 1click landing, and WiFi users can see other landings. That’s a good for us.
– Each offer accept different carriers. Some offers accept all carriers. So you need to read the offer’s rules
– There are low payouts in the 2-3 Tier (0.3$ – $10) and big payouts it the 1 tier (10-40$), but I recommend to start with tier 2-3.


Let’s talk about one of the best verticals for me. Sweepstakes = Sweeps – it’s a vertical, which contains offers, which are promoting different lotteries, prizes and freebie.

Main ways:

  1. Apple gadgets – the most popular way in Sweeps. Why? Show me a person who don’t want a new iPhone or iPad for free? So you understand that a lot of people know what is Apple and many people want to have a fashionable gadget. So what is offer contains? Usually it’s a page when people see a text like “You have a chance to win a new iPhone”, and, depending on the method of monetization, people need to register on site (submit a form) or make a subscription (PIN) or do other things.
  2. Samsung gadjets – also like Apple, but Samsung.
  3. Electronics from other well-known brands.
  4. Coupons, vouchers, gift card from different shops.
    That is a very interesting thing for me now. When we talk about free thing who do you think, what people want to get for free? Apple? No, that is not a true now! Many people already saw a lot of Apple offers, landing pages with iPhones. So a big part of people don’t believe in that. But if we talk about coupons, it works so good now! I didn’t test these offers for a long time, but recently I started to work with them, and you can have a very good ROI! Like 300% and more! It can be not famous shops, sites, brand for you, because you are from the other place. But for people who’re living in this country it’s a very famous local brand. And people really want to get a gift card for $100 for free. The believe in that more than in Apple offers. They think that they have more chances, because the prize is not so expensive. I did about $50k only with Tesco offers!

What is the benefit of the advertiser? How they monetize these verticals?

  1. SOI (Single Opt In) – this is a sigh up without confirmation. People fill a form (Name, Address, Tel, Mail etc..), and after that we have a lead! But it’s so easy for people. After registration they see a list of other offers and text like “To take part in this lottery you need to collect xxx points”, and they have a lot of other offers. For each offer they receive some points. It can be other sweeps, pins, dating offers etc.. So do you understand a benefit of this advertiser? He pay us for 1 lead, but he gets more leads from other offers. And also they can use other different ways of monetization.
  2. DOI (Double Opt In) – the same with SOI, but in this case people need to confirm their email or phone.
  3. PIN-Sunmit – mobile subscriptions.
  4. 1-click – So it’s a subscriptions with 1 click. People see only a button, and after they click it, they make a subscription. It works only for Carrier’s traffic.
  5. CC-Submit – it’s a subscription via Credit/Debit card. So usually people see on the lander “For taking part in the lottery enter your credit card data and pay only 1$!”. But at the bottom we see a small text that after people fill the form, they will pay 40-50$ each 2 weeks/month for taking part in the lottery. So it’s like pins, but with bank cards. And we will get $20-40 from each lead, but don’t think that you will have a very good ROI. As you can think only a few will make a lead. A big part of people don’t want to enter their card’s data. So your CR will be small.

What you should know about this vertical?

  1. There are a lot of offers. In many GEOs.
  2. Don’t run different offer’s types together (like 1click and CC or SOI and PINS), because you can’t do a good test in this case. Run SOI/DOI together.
  3. SOI offers – the best way to start, because they have a better CR than other types. But in some GEOs Pins works better.
  4. CC-Sweeps is not very good type for POP-traffic. To run it from Native traffic will be better.
  5. You can place 2-3 offers on the landing and give your traffic a chance to choose what they want (not all people want an iPhone, may be some of them prefer a Samsung Galaxy?)
  6. You can run any traffic on this vertical (but read offer’s rules), because who do not like free prizes?
  7. There are not only WAP offers. On some offers you can run desktop traffic.


Dating is a very popular vertical. So as you can understand these offers help people to find love or sex for one night.

Offer’s types:

  1. SOI (Sigle Opt In) – a registration without a confirmation.
  2. DOI (Double Opt In) – a registration with a confirmation.
  3. Pin-Submit – as you can already know it’s a mobile subscription and after that people get access to the site.
  4. 1-click – subscription in 1 click.
  5. CPS (Cost Per Sale) – offer pays for a sale on the site.


  1. Adult dating
  2. Casual Dating
  3. Mainstream dating

To be honest I can say that about 90% of people run all categories with sex angle. That is a true, because these type of landings convert better and we often run Adult traffic on it.

What you should know about this vertical?

  1. This is a very cool vertical, but to run it from banners will be better.
  2. Advertisers often stop offers for you, because they have bad results with POP traffic
  3. A big part of offers don’t allow a POP-traffic
  4. I recommend to start with SOI offers.
  5. There are WEB, WAP and WEB+WAP offers. So don’t ignore WEB offers, you can run in with desktop traffic and have good results. A traffic cost is cheaper, but payouts often higher for WEB traffic.
  6. There are a lot of offers in Tier-1 countries. Ask your AM about the TOP
  7. Read the offer’s rules. Often there can be restrictions: not younger than 25-35, only iOS etc..

Affilate Networks

As you could read before, an Affiliate Networks – it’s a company which connect affiliates and advertisers. Next I will give you some networks which you can use. I worked with all of them and I can say that all of them are cool

NOTE: Me and STM does not promote any Affiliate Network. It’s just a list which I use, but you can work with any which you want.

1) ClickDealer

This is a very good network, I started with her. A lot of offers are there in many verticals. High payouts and friendly AMs. I really like my AM there

Hello, if you’re reading it now!

2) MudoMedia.

Another very good networks. The best Pins are there. There are a lot of cool AMs who can help you and recommend good offers.

3) Adsimilis.

There are not many offers for POP-traffic, but you can find some really cool ones!

4) Mpire.

Very good AMs, many good offers.

5) F5 Media.

This is a very old AN which have a lot of good offers.

6) Kimia.

A lot of good Adult and Mainstream offers are there.

7) Avazu.

They have really many offers for many GEOs!

8) Mobvista.

A lot of good installs there, but also they’re strong in other verticals.

9) Mobidea

They have some good offers for start and fast payments

10) ExpertMobi

A good support, good offers.


A lot of people who haven’t worked in AM before have a question: What is landing?

Landing Page = Lading = LP = Lander – it’s a page, which our traffic see, when traffic source give us these users.

How does it look? Usually it’s only one page on the site which contains information about offers, motivating text that we write to get people to do the action which we need (install, subscription, registration etc…).

An example of the lander:

What can we see there:

  • “Catchy” image which are telling us about danger
  • Title that interests the person. I have to say that there are a difference between “your phone may have got viruses” and “your phone has viruses”, we’ll talk about that soon.
  • The consequences that may occur if a person does not install antivirus
  • Detailed instruction what to do to make a phone protected
  • A big button with text

I can’t say that it’s an ideal landing, but it’s a normal landing.

Why we need to use LPs and motivate our traffic:

  1. As you can already know our traffic is not motivated, it’s not a targeted traffic, and we can “catch” our traffic only with a lander.
  2. Offer’s sites aren’t enough motivating, they’re so simple without any motivating text and they were made for traffic which is already motivated. If we talk about PINs, there can be only a logo, a form for phone number and a button. And how do you think, what would you do if you saw this site? I think you’d close the page, and 99% of visitors too.
  3. A lot of offers prohibit to send POP-traffic directly

You need to remember the main rule: Landing is your main weapon! Your ROI and profit will depend on how “catchy” it will be!
Agressive LPs
I thought about to write that or not, but I need to tell you. As you’re on this forum I can say to you.

There is not a secret that 90% of affiliates who work with POPs are using aggressive landers. What calls “aggressive landers”? It’s landers which contain aggressive elements which are prohibited:

  • Using Logos of brands
  • Using unsubstantiated facts (You have 13 viruses, you won an iPhone 7, 3 girls from your city want to have a sex with you etc.) – Maybe a person really has viruses on his phone, or he’ll win an iPhone if he take part on the lottery, and maybe 3 girls want to have a sex with him who he don’t know. But we can’t say that because we don’t know that exactly. We can not prove it in any way.
  • Using some prohibited scripts
  • A blatant lie (I personally do not use this)
  • Imitation of interfaces of popular sites, social networks.

To use or not to use – that’s the question.

I want to say honestly: I use aggressive landers in my work, because they give me much more money than white LPs. Agree, people’ll install an antivirus more likely when they see a text like “You have 3 viruses, you need to install an App to protect your system” than “You might have viruses, we recommend you to install an App to protect your phone”. Even with other verticals. BUT! I use this kind of landers only for offers and networks which allow that. I recommend you not to lie your manager and always tell honestly what you want to use. He can help you a lot. And, of course, you can use any landers. White landers can give you a big profit too! I only tell you about a situation on the market and I need to tell you what is aggressive, because you can use it in the future and don’t know about it.

Now we’ll consider what people’re using for AV offers. I have to say that you can use this for PINs, 1clicks or installs. Just write for pins “Press the button and enter your phone number on the next page”, for 1click: “Press the button and follow the instruction on the next page” and for installs: “Press the button and install the App from Google Play”. It is very important to understand! Read your landers before running and don’t use pin-landers for installs and vice versa.

What should be the perfect Landing for AV:

  • First of all he need to be a short and capacious. You don’t any any long phrases, our audience hit on the lander not for reading a long story. Only a main information and motivating text. The shorter the better. Divide the text into paragraphs, if it is too large. But please don’t make landers without any text, because exactly the text will motivate our traffic to make a lead. REMEMBER: Design – attention, text – motivation.
  • Don’t use any eye-rip colors. Your design need to be as easy, simple, understandable. This is not the case when all depends on the beauty of the design. No need to “lick” a landing. The background can be white at all.
  • Button – the most visible element of the landing. It must throw the most in the eyes. What if I tell you that most of people simply can not find a button? Yes, yes, it’s true! Make it big, tex on it t has to be readable and short.
  • Your button must be located on one 1st screen. What does it mean? It means that it should be visible without scrolling down further. Not everyone has the iPhone screen with 1334×750, someone may have 480 screen, and you need to consider that.
  • If a person spent 5 seconds on the lander and haven’t understood what is that and what he need to do – it’s a bad lander, you can throw it. How to check? Just show a lander to your friend who don’t know anything about AM.
  • Key elements of the text you should highlight: make different color, a larger font or make it bold.
  • It’ll be good if you use a timer on your lander to make people to read faster.

An example of one of the most popular LPs for AVs:

What can we see there:

  • A google’s logo – it creates trust
  • 2 viruses were found, we’re scaring a person
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 – we use person’s brand and model on the lander. Next I’ll tell you have to do that.
  • A scary text that the virus can break the sim card data, etc.
  • Timer that calls to do an action quickly
  • An instruction how to remove virus. Yes, people should have instructions what to do, because not all are smart as you.
  • Large and notable button with a clear text on it.

An example of a good “white” lander:

You must decide for yourself what type of landers to use. I recommend to read offer’s rules and understand what you can use and what not. Because some offers can allow aggressive text, but don’t allow logos etc..

Carrot and stick

I have to say that all landings’ texts can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Stick – there we scare people. “If you don’t install an antivirus, your phone will be blocked, your data will be deleted, your brother will die etc..”. So in this case we tell people about negative effects if they don’t do an action.
  2. Carrot. In this case we tell people about positive effects if they do a lead. “Your phone will work faster on 66%, your battery will have %41 more power etc..”. So in this type we work on people’s wishes to make their phones faster.

What I prefer? I prefer to use Carrot, because I don’t want to scare people. And also some people’re using both of these types on one lander. And it can work fine. But be careful! Your lander must be short.


There are some types of landers for sweeps:

  1. Landers-surveys. It’s landers where people need to pass a simple poll to win a prize, and as you can already guess, all people will pass it.
  2. Lander-Wheel of fortune. It’s landers where people can spin a wheel and win a prize.
  3. Onepage-landers (like AVs)

An example of the lander:

What can we see there:

  • A top menu looks like FB, but there’re no FB’s logo. But it still makes more trust
  • A good title which make people to read other text
  • Displaying of a model (G3) and the city (Johannesburg) and the day of the week
  • The wheel, which people spin to participate in the lottery. After the first spin, they won’t receive a prize, only one additional spin, and for the second time, he’ll see the prize. As you know, all those people will win.
  • Comments of “lucky” people who already won sth.
  • A photo of the prize. It’s a very important thing. You have to use these photos if you wan good results. But please post only real photos, which were made in real life, like on the table, hands etc.. Don’t use images from the store.

Another example:

I need to say that it’s an example of an aggressive LP. Because there are:

  • Google’s logo
  • Fake comments
  • You alredy WON

Use these type of landers with caution.

Summing up

As you can understand most of people are using these 2 types of landers. They give the best results, but there’re a lot of other landers which you can find in a SPY-Servive (We’ll talk about it soon). Why these landers work good? Because people want to play. They want to win by themselves. And give them a chance to play, don’t do a landing with “You won an iPhone” and a button to the offers. It won’t work.

You need to choose a lander for you offers. Don’t use lander with iPhone 6S for iPhone 6 offer and, of course, don’t use iPhone lander of Samsung offers.

Let’s continue with landers.


If we talk about dating, the best way – to use landers with questions, where people need to answer some questions like (Are you over 18 yo? What type of tits do you prefer? On this site girls want to fast sex, is it ok for you?) – all of these questions make our traffic hot, it’s not a random questions. After these questions people will see a button like “Get access”. And I have to say that only a small amount of people will answer all questions (about 1-5%), and it’s ok! It’s a normal CTR for dating vertical.


This is a typical dating-lander with some questions, and after last one person will see a button to the offer.What can we see there:

  1. A nice photo of the girl
  2. A good text which motivate us
  3. Questions with buttons

After user clicks “JA” he will see some questions. So this a typical dating-lander and I can say honestly – I use this lander and landers like this. It really works. A can say more: About 80% of landers have similar texts, people change only images!

What works good for dating:

  • Photos of the girls. It can be not a nudity, you can use photo like on this lander. And please don’t use model’s professional photos. People like home non-professions photos, because they make more trust for them. And, of course, you can use not super beautiful girls.
  • Animation works good, but not in 100% cases.
  • Questions with motivating text. A number of questions is often 4-8, test different variations. For me short pools work better. And questions also need to be motivating like: “On this site girls are ready to have sex on the first date, you’ll use a condom?”.
  • You can also use cartoon photos like on this lander:


As you can already know Adult-offers promote porn videos using 1click flow. So the best way for this kind of offers to use landers-tubes.

How it looks:

So these landers often contains a lot of images from videos with a “play” button, and people think that it’s a real porn tube, and click the image which they like. And as you may think – all links redirect to the offer. All people like different kinds of porn, therefore you have to post a lot of different images (porn screens) on your lander to give our traffic an ability to choose.

There are many different scripts which can help you to increase your ROI. But please be careful with them. That is a case when all is not good. You need to make a balance and choose right scripts for your landers.

This script opens a window before you’ll see a lander. You can write a text which people’ll see before they’ll see a lander. So it can be a very motivating text to make our traffic to read our lander.

Add this before </body> and replace “TEXT”:




This script don’t allow our traffic to get back. When people click a “back” button they will see our lander again or other page which we can write.
Use this code before </body>:


<script type="text/javascript"> 
! function () { 
var t; 
try { 
for (t = 0; 10 > t; ++t) history.pushState({}, "", "#"); 
onpopstate = function (t) { 
t.state && location.replace("#") 
} catch (o) {} 

If you use “location.replace(“#”)”, people will see your lander when they click a “back” button, so they won’t leave it (only to close the tab). You can also write a link which people will see. For example “location.replace(“http://google.com”) – when people click a “back” button they will be redirected to the Google. In this case I recommend to write offer’s link or offer’s code from your tracker (we’ll talk about that soon).


If you use this script, when people try to close the tab they’ll see a window with a text. And with this text you can motivate people to stay on the lander and make a lead.

Write it before </body> and replace “TEXT”:


<script type="text/javascript"> var PreventExitPop = true;function ExitPop() {if(PreventExitPop != false) {return "TEXT";}}window.onbeforeunload = ExitPop; </script>


This code makes a phone to vibrate, but it works not on the all phones. 50/50
Use this after <body>:


<script type="text/javascript"> if (window.navigator && window.navigator.vibrate) { navigator.vibrate([50, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30, 100, 30]); } else { navigator.vibrate(0); } </script>

Automatic redirect

If you use this code your visitors will be redirected to the link which you write after time which you want in seconds.
Use it before </head>:


I recommend to set 15-30 sec. It really depends on your lander, you need to test.

A redirect after click on the any place of the screen

Not all people can click the button neatly. So if you use this script, people will be redirected to the link (I use offer’s link) when they click on any place of the page.

1. Replace your <body> on the <body onclick=”goto()”>
2. Use this script before </body>:


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function goto(){ location.href = "link" } </script>


1.Use this code in any place of the <body>:


var count=30; 
var counter=setInterval(timer, 1000); 
function timer() 
if (count <= 0) 
}document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML=count +" sec.";} 

2. To show the timer write this code in a place where you want to see a timer:


You can use audio files on your landers (works not on the all phones). I recommend to use some danger-signals for AVs.
1. Download a file on your lander and copy a link
2. Use this code before <body>:


<audio preload="" autoplay="autoplay">
<source src="http://link" type="audio/mpeg" />

Display user’s data

This script work only with your tracker (we’ll talk about that soon).
So to display data you can use this code:



Just replace “brand” on the element which you need (you can find all parameters in your tracker).
You can also use this code in your alert:


alert("Uyarı!\n\nBu sitede " + (getURLParameter('city')) +"'dan sıcak kız seninle seks yapmak istiyorum!");

But for correct working of this code you need to write this code after <body>:


function getURLParameter(name) { 
return decodeURI( 
(RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(location.search)||[,null])[1] || '' 

Display date


<script type="text/javascript"><!-- 
var date = new Date(); 
var d  = date.getDate(); 
var day = (d < 10) ? '0' + d : d; 
var m = date.getMonth() + 1; 
var month = (m < 10) ? '0' + m : m; 
var yy = date.getYear(); 
var year = (yy < 1000) ? yy + 1900 : yy; document.write(day + "." + month + "." + year); //--></script>

What script to use?

Of course, you can use any script, but I recommend to follow this order for verticals:

1) AVs:

  • Alert
  • BackFix
  • Automatic Redirect
  • Timer
  • Vibration
  • Audio
  • User’s data: brand, model, OS, OS’s version, County (flag) – it’s not necessary to use all of them at once.

2) Sweeps:

  • Alert
  • ExitPop
  • Backfix
  • Timer
  • User’s data: ISP (Carrier), Country, City, Brand, Date and Time (for comments, but please use different dates and time. It’s not a goof when all comments have s same time.)

3) Dating:

  • Alert
  • ExitPop
  • Timer (not in 100% cases)
  • User’s data: City

4) Adult:

  • Alert
  • ExitPop
  • BackFix

Translation of the landing

Working with many countries you will face with a problem: How to translate landers?

There are some ways:

  1. Google Translate
    It’s free. I can’t say more good words about it. You have to understand that google can’t translate like a native speaker. And as you know our lander is our weapon, we need to make it ideal! So therefore for one word or phrase you can use it, but for all text I don’t recommend to do that.
  2. OneHourTranslation
    I use this service, and all is ok. There are a lot of native speakers who can translate you a lander for about 5-10$.
  3. Fiverr
    It’s a place where you can order not only a text translating. You can also order audio or video, graphics etc… So it cost less than OHT.
  4. Freelance, Desks, Forums, Friends.
    If you have a friend who know a language which you need, you can ask him to translate. Also you can write a post on different forums and ask people to help you. But you have to understand that it won’t be a profession translate.

And one last thing: You need to have an English version of your lander. And translate this version on any language which you need. It will be faster and cheaper.

In conclusion

I tried to tell you about landers, but, of course, you may have a lot of questions like: Where I can find landers? How to create my own lander? What is a SPY-Service? We’ll talk about that soon in other parts.

Now you need to understand that a landing is your main weapon, and it needs to be ideal! Just optimisation of the LP can give you +150% to the ROI. Therefore please take it seriously.

Next we’ll speak about tech stuff (server, domain, CDN). I’m not a tech guy, but I’ll try.

In this part we will talk about a tech side of affiliate marketing. I want to say in advance that I don’t have a super good knowledge about servers, CDN etc… I can give you only my knowledge and my experience. So this part will be shorter than others – sorry


This one of the most important thing for you if you decided to work with POP traffic. Because your landers need to load very very very fast. People don’t want to wait a lot while your LP os loading. Therefore I don’t recommend to save money on that. Where we will host our landings? Of course, on the server. But there are several variants to use:

  1. Shared-Hosting – Please don’t use that. You need to know that if you use it for your landers, there will be 100500 other sites on the server. So you have very limited resources.
  2. Virtual Server (VPS) – this is a good thing, but only if you have lower than 100k/day visits. One server is divided into parts, and each part have limited resources, but in this case much more than Shared-Hosting. So you can use that at the beginning.
  3. Dedicated Server – this is the best choice for me. It’s your own server (not virtual) which only you can use.
  4. CDN Hosting – I didn’t try that a lot, but I can say that it works very well.

What newbies have to buy?

I and most of my friends use http://hetzner.de (An example of a good server: https://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/pr…server/ex41ssd)
For VPS you can use https://www.digitalocean.com

What county to use?

If you don’t know which countries you will run, I recommend to buy a server in Germany. But if you know – try to host your server near your GEO.


You need a domain name for your landers. What I recommend:

  • Zone – .com
  • Try to use a word “mobile” and sth neutral. Like mobilesecdown.com
  • Don’t use “-“
  • Don’t create subdomains. You need only 1 domain where we will create folders

Where to buy?


For your comfort I recommend to use server’s panel. There are lots of different panels, but I prefer ISP panel or Vesta panel.
Of course, you can use only FTP and don’t pay for that


You need to use CDN for your domains. What is CDN?
CDN (Content Delivery Network) – it’s a system which help you to achieve max loading speed using a lot of servers in different countries. So this system caches your pages on her servers (which are located in different countries), and when people visit your LP, the page will load from the nearest server. For example, your traffic will be from Singapore, and pages will load from Asian server. Of course, you need only 1 server and CDN.

I recommend to use https://www.cloudflare.com (it’s free).

So people can recommend other services, but I prefer to use them, because I tried a lot and with CloudFlare I have +20-30% ROI.

Let’s talk about the main tool in the AM – about tracking systems.

So a tracking system (tracker) – it’s a system which help us to distribute and analyze our traffic.

Tracker can:

  1. Discribute traffic (TDS function);
  2. Grab all financial statistics (Spent/Revenue);
  3. Help us to make a full analyze of our traffic.

Let’s talk about each of these functions:

  1. To discribute traffic.
    Imagine a situation that we want to run 4 different LPs and 5 different offers in one campaign. It’s absolutely possible, we just need to add all of these Landers and Offers to our tracker, create a campaign with them, and a tracker will automatically send a traffic evenly like: 25%/25%/25%/25% for landers and 20%/20%/20%/20%/20% for offers. If we want to send more traffic for one current lander we can set a right % in our campaign’s settings. For example we can make 40%/30%/10%/10%.If we need to stop some offer or lander we can easy turn that off in campaign’s settings. Even with LPs. If we want to test a new lander, just add him to the tracker and to the campaign.You should know that we need to put only our uncial tracking link to the traffic source which we will have after we create a campaign. We don’t need to change sth in a source if we want to change offers/landers. Just make these changes in your tracker.
  2. To grab a financial statistics.
    When we create a campaign in the tracker we can set a CPC (Cost per Click), CPM, CPA and some other parameters which can help us to track the cost. For example if we have $2 CPM in the source, we can set CPC = 0.002 in our tracker, and the system will automatically calculate our cost, and we’ll see that in “Spend”. Also some sources have special macroses to send the COST, like [BID].Each tracker has his own PostBack link. What is that? It’s a link which we use to receive successful conversions from the AN. An example of the link:http://xxx.com/pixel.php?cid=CLICKID&payout=PRICECLICKID – on this place needs to be a special macros from the AN (Ask your AM about macroses) which contains an uncial ID of the user. Where does this ID?A tracker will generate him and put to the offer’s link:
    http://site.com/?a=31333&c=44151&s2={clickid}Again with steps:

    1. We put {clickid} macros (some tracker have differtent names of the macros, so read a Help info of your tracker) to our offer’s link;
    2. An Affillate Network receives these Click IDs on their side;
    3. When a conversion is done, the AN finds this Click ID in their stat and sent that using our PostBack link + the Price of the convertion;
    4. The tracker receives this Click ID + Price, find this ID in his stat and some other parameters (OS, Browser, ISP etc…) and write this in the stat.
  3. Just check that 1 time a day to make sure, that there are no big differences. If we have a difference with Cost, we can easy update the cost and set a right sum.Therefore we don’t have to look at the stat in a Source and AN.
  4. To do a full analyze of our campaigns.
    A Tracking system can help us to analyze many parameters of our traffic. For example – offers:
    What can we see? The 1st offer converts much better, than the 2nd. In this case we need to turn the 2nd offer off and continue to run only the 1st.Go ahead and see OSs:So we have more Android traffic, than iOS, but on the other hand iOS gives us much better ROI. We can also look at the versions.If we look at the Browser’s stat we’ll see:Android Browser and Mobile Firefox gave as a very bad ROI, so we need to stop this Browsers.I think you understood what I mean. We can check all parameters + source’s macroses like SiteID to be able to create a Black/White List of sites.

Also trackers have some other functions like possibility to write user’s data (OS, ISP, Country etc…) on the Lander or to create rules for our traffic. If we want to send iOS traffic to the specific offer/lander we can create a rule in the tracker. So it works like cloaker.

What tracker to use?

  1. Self-Hosted – it’s a group of trackers which you need to install on your server (I recommend a dedicated server with at least 8GB RAM). These tracker don’t have any limits and the cost is not very high ($49-$99/month + Server’s cost).
    If we talk about self-hosted trackers I can recommend to try:
    Funnel Flux
  2. Cloud trackers – it’s a group of trackers which you don’t need to install on the server. You can just use their panels. These trackers are installed on the different servers in many countries, so it works like CDN. But these trackers have limits, and if you have many traffic you need to pay a lot. The price starts from $79/month, but it’s possible to pay $3000+ if you have a lot of traffic.
    I can recommend:

For me the best self-hosted is Pixelk and the best cloud is Voluum, but you can use which you want! We’ll talk about how to set up a tracker when we create a campaign…

Let’s talk about sources. As you can know there are so many different places when you can buy POP traffic. And all of them have pluses and minuses.

As you can know “traffic source” – it’s a company which connect advertisers (people who want traffic) and publishers (people who have their own sites and want to monetize them). And this network grabs a % (it can be 20% or 80% – depends on each sources). So we won’t speak about all mechanics of them. Just you should know that you need to choose your source very meaningful, cause there are a lot of shit sources or sources with a lot of bots.

There are some different cost models which you can use for buying traffic:

  1. CPC – We pay for each visit;
  2. CPM – We pay for 1000 visits;
  3. CPA – We pay for each action;

There are about 300 sources which you can work with, but you have to understand that there are no ideal source:

  1. Each source has different pubs (sites), therefore traffic can be very differtent from source to source. You can simply run 2 campaigns with similar targeting/offers/landers and get absolutely different results! Like -70% and +400%! It’s a normal thing.
  2. Each source has strong and shit GEOs. For example some network can give you +200% on EU campaigns, but it can be only -90% on Asian countries;
  3. All sourses have different min. sum to top up, and it’s not a guarantee that if you add $1000 on some newtork, you’ll get good ROI (as some networks like to say: “We have a big min. sum, cause we’re a super serious source and have super-cool traffic – IT’S NOT A TRUE!);
  4. Each source has their own managers and supoprt, who can help you to create your campaign, tell you a good BID to start etc…
  5. Each source has his own % of bots (yes yes, I worked in some companies and I know it exactly. But don’t be afraid, the best sources have about 1-10% of bots, not a lot. Also some networks don’t have any bot-traffic).
  6. In some sources you can buy traffic using CPA or CPM model. And sometimes for some sources it will be better to run with CPA, in other ones with CPC model. Test a lot!
  7. All sources have their own minimal and recommended bids. For example you can set $1 CPM in Source #1 and $15 in Source #2. After test you can get from #1 = -20% ROI and from #2 = +170%!

My recommended sources to work with

#1 Popads

This is one of the best source for me ever, because:

  • Fast moderation
  • Cheap traffic
  • Many countries
  • A little min. sum to pay
  • Good support
  • They allow agressive promotion!
  • A good design.
  • The best targeting!

If we talk about this source I can say that these guys is very strong in Asia and Latam, EU also works well, but some GEOs I can’t make profitable. On start you can set 0.002 bid for EU and 0.001 for other countries. I also have some active campaigns with 0.0004 bid and GEOs like TR, BR etc… Sometimes it works very cool. You’re receiving a few traffic, but your ROI can be +500% and better. You can target all parameters like OS and Browser versions, Carrier, Language etc..

#2 PopCash

The second good source for me. Because:

  • These guys have not a lot of traffic, but with a good quality;
  • They’re very strong in EU;
  • One of the best support;
  • Fast moderation;
  • A lot of good pubs.
  • They allow aggressive promotion on Tier 2-3

This source has a very cool traffic for EU, but I didn’t have a good result with Asia (90% cases). Latam also works good. They don’t have a large targeting like Popads, but you can ask support to off some browsers and on/off carrier traffic. NOTE! They don’t have a targeting for specific carriers, but you can target all 3G/all Wifi/all 3G+all WiFi. Ask support about TOP bids, it will help you a lot, cause in this source you can receive a very cool traffic with high bid.

#3 Propellerads

Another very good source for POP traffic.

  • This is one of the biggest POP networks. They have billions of traffic;
  • Good AMs that can help you with your camps;
  • Good SSP platform;
  • A lot of good traffic, but in this place if you want a good ROI, you have to pay a lot! They won’t sell you qualitative traffic cheap.
  • A good CPA model

Be careful, these guys don’t allow aggressive promotion. You have to create clean landers or cxxxxx. If you want to work with this source, you need at least $500 budget, cause there are a lot of traffic, and you need to spend a lot before optimizing. I recommend to set $50 budget for each campaign. Also they have a very cool CPA model, which I prefer to use now, because I will that if you use CPA model you can receive much more qualitative traffic than with CPM. But we’ll talk about that later.

In the next part I will write about other good POP sources and how to work with them.

Let’s continue with sources.

#4 Clickadu

About 6 month ago ALL my campaigns were profitable on them. But after they started to PR, it’s a little bit hard to get a good result when there are a lot of competitors, but it’s a normal thing I think.
Most of their traffic is adult

  • They have CPA cost model
  • A lot of GEOs
  • Good SSP platform
  • In this source works one of the best managers I had Hey, Johan!
  • AVs and Sweeps work very well, but you can also run Dating and Adult
  • In this time they don’t allow aggressive, but if you know how to that, you can run
  • Traffic is cheap. For some geos is very cheap

#5 Adsterra

It’s a not so famous source and it’s very good, because there are a lot of good traffic! Also Anastasiia is a very cool manager

  • They have many GEOs and traffic
  • Very good AMs
  • CPA and CPM model
  • Very good targeting options
  • Loyal moderation
  • You can target keywords
  • You can use retargeting
  • SSP platform
  • Banners are also available

#6 Hilltopads

Have many profitable campaigns there. Nice network even for newbies.

  • A lot of traffic
  • Good targeting options
  • For a good traffic you have to pay more. It’s not a place where you can get a super green ROI with $1 CPM
  • I recommend to separate campaigns for WiFi and 3G, also you can create a campaign for each Carrier, because bids can be very different from Carrier to Carrier
  • These guys don’t allow a super aggressive promo, but you can ask them what to change, and they’ll let you know
  • Clean landers works good there, cause traffic is a really good
  • They have some premium pubs, which can give you a good ROI, but for that you need to keep you bid higher.

#7 Plugrush

It’s an adult network, but their traffic also converts very good on AVs and Sweeps.

  • A lot of traffic, really a lot
  • Good support
  • Good targeting options, and they added carrier targeting – that’s nice!
  • They don’t allow aggressive
  • For a good traffic I recommend to keep your BID in TOP-2 or at least TOP-5
  • They have some 100% bot pubs, but you’ll see that after your 1st test


Another good source, but not for newbies.

  • They have some bot and shit traffic, but it’s ok, cause traffic is very cheap
  • Loyal moderation
  • In some GEOs you can do 500%+ ROI
  • 3G traffic is more profitable there, than WiFi

#9 Redirect

It’s 100% not for newbies

  • They have mostly redirect traffic
  • For receiving good traffic keep your bid higher
  • Very fast and loyal moderation

#10 Exoclick

It’s #1 Adult network, but they have mainstream traffic too, and it converts very good!

  • Good AMs. Anastasiya Suvorava is very friendly and professional AM
  • You can buy extremely cheap traffic for some GEOs
  • Be careful with your budget. You can spend $1000 for 10 min.
  • At the moment they allow some aggressive promo, but rules often changes

This is a TOP of my sources. Some of them you can use on start, but some I’d not recommend.

The best way to start with:

  1. Popcash
  2. Popads
  3. Hilltopads
  4. Propellerads
  5. Clickadu

And after that you can try more and more sources. I will tell you how to create a good campaign in all of them when we talk about running camps.