Email List Academy Free Download


Now, the dollar amount people give varies from “$1,000 a month” all the way up to multiple six figures.

But the sentiment is the same. People want to make money from their blogs and businesses… and they want to change their lives.

And if you’re reading this page, I have a hunch that you’re on the same page.

Well, allow me to let you in on a little secret…


Your email list is your biggest asset as a business owner

Trust me – I went from earning less than $30,000 a year at an exhausting full-time job…

…to a seven-figure business. In just 3 years.

(And it wasn’t because I’m any smarter, more experienced, or harder working than you!)

I was able to grow my business so quickly because I learned a system to grow my email list…

…build a relationship with my subscribers…

…and make sales through email marketing.

I’ll share more about my story in a minute – but first…

I want to get an idea of where you’re at right now.


Any of this sound like you…?

  • You’ve been working at this business thing for a minute now, but you’re having trouble growing your email list.
  • Or maybe you’re brand new in business, and you’ve heard email is important… but how the heck do you even get started? (Hellooooo tech nightmare!)
  • You’ve found some list-building strategies… but either they’re confusing and overwhelming, or you just can’t stay consistent with it (especially since, when you do try them, they don’t seem to work as well as you expected).
  • You know you should be sending things to your email list (even if it’s super tiny)… but you’re not sure what to write – and you just can’t seem to find time to sit down and make it a priority.
  • You see other people’s blogs and businesses take off as their lists grow… and you wonder, “What are they doing that I’m not???


Melissa Griffin Email List Academy


Just Imagine…

  • …Finally hitting the coveted “1,000 subscribers” benchmark and feeling confident launching your first product.
  • …No longer feeling like you’re creating content that disappears into thin air…because now you have a list of subscribers who eat up your blog posts and buy your products.
  • …No more struggling with social media algorithms – and instead being able to pop into your audience’s inbox whenever you want to.
  • …Getting heartfelt responses to the emails you write from people who are obsessed with what you create in the world.
  • …Seeing notifications on your phone for new sales that came in from an email you sent to your list.

How The Email-to-income Formula Works:

The industry average is that 1-3% of your subscribers will buy your product or service.

(Just to keep the math easy, I’m using the average estimate of 2% in the equation above.)

Let’s say you have 1,000 people on your list, and your product costs $300.

1,000 x 2% = 20 buyers

20 buyers x $300 product = $6,000 in sales

Now, what if you have 5,000 subscribers and send an email about that same $300 product?

5,000 x 2% = 100 buyers

100 buyers x $300 product = $30,000 in sales

You can see how exciting this is, right?

Because the more you grow your email list, the more you grow your income, too! This is exactly what I’ve experienced in my own business, and what you can expect to happen in yours.

But here’s what you need to keep in mind:

Not all email lists are created the same.

And to get results like the ones above (or even better!) you need to have a game plan in place to grow your list with the RIGHT people, engage with them in, and send emails that convert.

How do you get those subscribers?

Introducing Email List Academy

A customized, 90-day system for the online creator who wants to build an engaged email list, grow their business, and live life on their own terms.


In Email List Academy, you’ll get the exact strategies I’ve used and steps I’ve taken to grow my email list to over 200,000 engaged subscribers.

And the best part?

It’s a step-by-step system that gives you the right tasks, in the right order, on a week-by-week and day-by-day basis. (Read: not just “a bunch of random, outdated strategies.”)

Because I know that there are a gajillion strategies out there – but if you don’t have a proven GAME PLAN, then you’re almost guaranteed to waste time on the least powerful tactics, or to get confused and slow your growth.

Plus, Email List Academy isn’t JUST an online course — it’s a customized system. You’ll start by taking my proprietary List-Building Personality Quiz to discover your specific List-Building Personality Type. Then, throughout the program, I’ll share specific strategies, tips, and advice just for people with your type!

Gone are the days of “one size fits all” list-building advice. ELA is a truly custom experience, because I believe that when you use strategies that align with your unique personality and strengths, you get FAR better results.



Here’s What I’m Teaching You During Your 90 Days In Email List Academy:


Month #1: Nail the Foundation

You’ll hit the ground running by learning WHY your email list is so important, developing your first lead magnet, creating a landing page, and engaging with your subscribers using my coveted Nurture Sequence.


Month #2: Skyrocket Your List Growth

Hold onto your hat. It’s time to rev up your list-building engine and start skyrocketing your email list results. (But don’t worry – I guide you through it all, step by step.)


Month #3: Master Engagement and Sales

Now that you’ve got the systems in place to build your list, let’s shift focus to boosting your email list and turning it into an automatic sales machine.


Melissa Griffin - Email List Academy


And if you’re worried you can’t keep up with the 90-day schedule? No worries!


Once you join Email List Academy, you get lifetime access to all of the course materials – which means you can go at your own pace, or take a break and come back to it when you’re ready.

And when you do pick it back up, you’ll know exactly what your next step is.

Email List Academy Bonuses You’ll Receive

Untold Secrets of My 7-Figure Business

Remember those value packed income reports I used to do back in the day? Well this is like that but x1000. I’m going to be lifting back the hood on my business so you can learn about my revenue streams, list growth, how I built my team, and more! I have never done this before, and I am beyond excited to share my what I have learned growing a multi-7 figure company.


Attract Your Ideal Audience (Bonus Workbook)

With the Attract Your Ideal Audience bonus workbook you’ll get total clarity around where those dreamy future friends and customers are spending their time online. From there, you’ll create a game plan designed to make reaching those hearts and minds and getting them on your email list a piece of gluten-free chocolate cake.


How To Organically Grow Your Traffic Masterclass

In this bonus masterclass, you’ll learn how to grow your own organic traffic strategy to get more subscribers, more sales, and more visibility. Being able to generate organic traffic is the creme de la creme for growing your online business quickly AND the best part is, it’s free!


Private Email List Academy Facebook Group

Get instant access to the private FB group and connect with like-minded list builders (and Melyssa!) to get the support, feedback, encouragement, and inspiration you need to grow your list like never before.


How to Grow Your List With Free Publicity (Bonus Workshop)

In this bonus workshop with publicity expert, Susie Moore, you’ll get the strategies and inspiration you need to create consistent visibility, a constant influx of new and engaged subscribers, increased sales, brag-worthy brands to add to the ‘as seen on’ section on your website, and so much more.



Download Melissa Griffin Email List Academy


Hi. I’m your teacher, Melyssa Griffin!

And lest all these photos of happy, sunny me, playing in a happy, sunny workspace lead you to believe otherwise…

…I haven’t always had a successful business.

Just a few years ago, I was living in a 300-square-foot studio apartment. On a $30K/year income. From a soul-sucking day job where I didn’t feel valued.

Within a year, I grew my email list to over 35,000 subscribers, quit my day job to run my business full time from anywhere in the world, and was making high six figures.

Within four years, I had a multi-million dollar business.

And the #1 thing that got me there?

My email list.

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